Because race is a made up construct to some degree, we are all running around trying to figure out who and what we are. I just wrote an article about this in “Why I’m Finally Deciding to Claim My Non-African Ancestors”.
Even as a Black woman, I have had people constantly question my identity, starting when I was a little girl and because of the dot on my forehead, a kid asking me if I was Indian. At 5 years old, this was a new one. I was confused. Did he mean Native American Indian or Asian Indian? Because I knew I had some Native American in me. But, I think the kid meant Indian, like Middle Eastern Indian because he referenced the dot on my forehead.
I was asked if I was Ethiopian my whole life, despite, never setting foot in Africa (though I would love to visit, maybe even live one day).
I have been asked if I was mixed with something because of my hair texture [insert eyeroll here]. I have even been asked by a Mexican man if I was Hispanic. That one really threw me off.
Of course for me, a lot of the mistakes of my identity are more ethnic than racial but it’s still confusing. I grew up in a predominantly white area, yet, diverse enough that I could have chosen any ethnicity and rolled with it if I so chose.
Nevertheless, I always proudly told anyone who asked (or who would listen) that I am Black and proud to be Black. Now I just need to adjust to accepting all the other races within me.
I have to admit that the racial/ethnic identity confusion is exhausting and how can it be improved? Or is it just a matter of having a conversation or blurting it out like you (and I sometimes) do?
Good luck in your journey and thanks for sharing.